校址:九龍觀塘油塘道一號一樓 [如何前往]
Address: 1/F., 1 Yau Tong Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon.
電話 Tel: 2349 0221 傳真 Fax: 23490201
電郵 Email: principal@stantoniuskg.edu.hk

Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Children

Support Measures for Non-Chinese Speaking Children

學童入學 Student Admission
  • 我們為非華語兒童家長提供中英文版的入學申請表格及相關資料,以及在網頁設置簡單的英文提示,方便家長知悉如何獲得英文版資料。
  • We provide both Chinese and English versions of application forms and relevant information, and provide a simple message in English on school webpage to facilitate parents’ access to the English version of the information.
  • 我們安排面見非華語兒童時,按需要安排傳譯或翻譯服務,或接納家長由懂中文的親友陪同會面,協助溝通。
  • We arrange interpretation and/or translation service for Non-Chinese Speaking applicants where necessary or allow parents to be accompanied by a Chinese speaking relative/friend during interview so as to facilitate communication.

聯絡資料 Contact Information
  • 地址 Address: 
1/F., 1 Yau Tong Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon.